Sunday, December 6, 2009
Goodbye Willow......
Monday, November 30, 2009
Meet Cooper
Update on Maddison.......
Maddison is a happy little girl and is putting on some of the weight that she lost. Her head is still tilted to one side and I took her back to the vets last week. She has a bacterial infection in her ears and a swab was sent out to a lab so that we can find out the correct medication to put her on. Hopefully we'll get her ear infection cleared up soon.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Merlin's Been Adopted!!!!!
I am so happy for Merlin. I hope that all our cats find wonderful forever homes.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
What is Wrong With People?????
When Barb told me this had happened she hadn't been to the vets yet. I was told that Maddison was walking in circles with her head tilted at an odd angle. My first thought was that the kids had done something to her and she had brain damage. I didn't sleep much that night and the next day she had a vet visit and it turns out the inner ear infection is causing the tilted head and trouble walking. I told Barb that I wanted to be the one to nurse her back to health.
I met Lynne in Orillia yesterday and gave her Bubbles and she gave me Maddison. Maddison was very quiet on the way home but as soon as I got in the door of the house she started meowing and wanted out of the carrier ASAP. I picked her up and she started purring and rubbing up against me and was very excited. She remembered me and the home that she had had for three months before the adoption. She went out in the kitchen and had a little something to eat and then she went and checked out all the cats. It was like she had never left.
She has lost an awful lot of weight and when she walks or runs she loses her balance. Her head is still tilted at an angle but that should go away once the medication takes effect. Winston hisses at her every time she goes near him but I think that's because she was given a bath before she came home and you can smell the shampoo on her. It doesn't stop her from rubbing her head against him though. I'm sure he'll come around.
Maddison did not lose her loving nature while going through that ordeal and hopefully she'll be back to her old self soon.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The Numbers Decrease
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
What's Gotten Into Bubbles
Sunday, November 8, 2009
New Additions
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Maddison Gets a New Home
Friday, October 16, 2009
Trauma at PetSmart
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sherry And Bubbles Come For A Visit
I still have the other four kittens. I think they're here to stay.....LOL. Hopefully they'll be going up for adoption soon as they're really growing up. As you can see by the following pictures, they are very "at home".
Sundays are for taking it easy!!!!
Autumn and Merlin
Madison taking a snooze....
Sophie and Madison lounge in the sun!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Two More Cats Added to the Mix
I have two new cats staying with me for a while. They were in another foster home that had a dog that barked all the time and they were totally stressed out. When I brought them home they immediately went under my bed and stayed there for the day. Sherry came out in the evening and was very friendly. Bubbles stayed under the bed until I went to bed and turned out the light. She jumped up on the bed and checked me out, decided I was okay, and cuddled up next to me for the night. She's been very friendly ever since. I'm going to keep them in the bedroom for a couple more days before introducing them to the rest of the clan. I'll take some pictures in a couple of days.
I think some of the kittens might be going to PetSmart this weekend for adoption. I'm just waiting to hear from Barb. Winston's due to be fixed and hopefully that will take place this week. He's almost six months old and getting quite big.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Where has the month gone??????
They all love sleeping in this basket but it's way too small for all of them to fit in it so last night I brought out another basket and they took that one over as well.
It didn't take long for Winston to become a member of the family. He loves playing with both Sophie and Willow, although he can be a bit rough with the kittens. His favourite place is at the kitchen window where he can watch all the birds in the backyard.
Merlin is coming along nicely. He is still timid so I feed him in the tent and when he's finished I spend some time with him. Now he starts purring as soon as I go over to the tent and purrs the whole time I'm holding him. He crawls all over me and settles down on my lap and kneads away so I know he's content. He is still skittish any other time but I am able to get closer to him before he runs away. Winston was the same when I first got him so I know it's only a matter of time before he lets me pick him up at any time. He's really grown in the last five weeks.
Autumn and Madison (Calendar Girl), the two little girls, are still tiny and will probably always be on the small side like Willow. We nicknamed Madison "Calendar Girl" because she's so pretty; we think she should be on the cover of a cat calendar. Autumn is a lovely little cat who likes to be held but loves sleeping in the basket the most out of all of the kittens.
Timothy is a wonderful little boy. He's the little guy with the eye infection. It's still clearing up and there is only a bit of film left over his left eye. He loves to play with all of the cats and Sophie. His coat is so soft it's like silk and he likes to spend one-on-one time with me. He loves eating with Willow and Winston so I've given up trying to feed him with Merlin. It means he's eating regular cat food as opposed to kitten food but he's growing like a weed so I don't think it's hurting him.... :o)
One thing I can say......All of the kittens I have looked after since I began fostering have been wonderful. They all had a rough start in life but anyone would be lucky to adopt one of them. They are great little kittens. Each one of them is different in temperment and personality but would make a lovely addition to any family.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
My Latest Bunch
It took a couple of days for Timothy to settle in but now he has decided that he likes Sophie's crate and has moved in!
The other three kittens are eight weeks old and are slowly settling in. Every day I see an improvement. They all come around on their own time. Autumn has settled right in, follows me around and likes to be picked up. Madison is just a little skittish but for the most part likes to be picked up and cuddled. Merlin was very timid and skittish when he arrived. He still doesn't let me pick him up if he's running around but he no longer spends his time under the couch. He runs around and plays with the other kittens and there are marked improvements daily.
I have been giving Merlin medication as he was congested when he arrived and we didn't want it turning into an upper respiratory infection. I have to feed him in the tent so I am able to give him his medication afterwards. I would never be able to catch him otherwise. He is very good about taking it and afterwards I hold him for a while and he always purrs, which is a big surprise as he is so timid. None of the other kittens have purred yet and I thought for sure that he would be the last one to do that. I don't feel that it will be long before Merlin loses all of his fear and allows me to pick him up at will.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Winston's Come Home To Stay
I found out that Winston, one of the first pair of kittens that I fostered, had still not been adopted. Barb thought that he might have bonded with me and was missing me. When they took him to PetSmart he would hang back in his cage and would not interact with anyone who came to his cage to see him. So he was being passed over for adoption each time. When I heard that I asked if I could adopt him and we decided that I would take him after I returned from a week's vacation.
Well, Winston came home and it's like he never left. He just took up where he left off and he and Willow have become great friends.
Winston has settled right in. He's a lovely little cat, very affectionate and a real purring machine.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
A Big Blow
When I got him from the local OSPCA he picked me, I didn't pick him. He wouldn't leave me alone and I thought if he wanted to come home with me so badly, why not let him. He was a wonderful cat who loved me and showed it every day. I am going to miss him so much but he is no longer suffering.
2003 - 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The Three Amigos
Timothy has a film over one of his eyes and I am putting an anitbiotic cream in it twice a day. The film has gotten lighter since he's been here but he will probably always have a bit of a film for the rest of his life. It sure doesn't slow him down, in fact he is the most playful and sure can move.
Willow tried to get into the action and grab some of the kittens' food but they weren't willing to share. Willow eats dry cat food so when the kittens' wet food comes out she's ready to chow down.
Barb is coming to pick up the kittens tomorrow as I'm off to the cottage for a week. These three little guys were here less than a week but they fit right in. I'm a pushover for a
Sunday, June 28, 2009
On a brighter note....
Bittersweet Week
Sunday, June 21, 2009
They're Gone.......
Monday, June 15, 2009
Fitting Right In
Vicky is a sweetheart, starts purring as soon as you pick her up and loves hanging out with her brother.
Sophie thinks that Vicky belongs to her and wants to play with her all the time. Here they are enjoying a "time-out" before their next roughhousing session.
Willow still isn't too sure what to make of Winston and Vicky and for the most part keeps her distance.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Settling In
Monday, June 1, 2009
The Adventure Begins
Barb dropped off everything you could possibly need for a kitten and one of the items was this tent that will hold a small litter box so the kittens can be contained. I set it up with the litter box and blankets and Sophie took one look and moved right in.