Monday, November 30, 2009

Meet Cooper

Cooper came to live with us two weeks ago........a six week old full of attitude. It took three or four days before he stopped hissing at Sophie and the other cats but now he likes curling up beside Timothy (as he is in this picture). He still doesn't think much of me and if looks could kill, I'd be laid out on the His ears go back when I pick him up and he tolerates me (sort of) if I want to cuddle. He's a tough little guy but I'm sure he'll eventually come around.

Update on Maddison.......

Maddison is a happy little girl and is putting on some of the weight that she lost. Her head is still tilted to one side and I took her back to the vets last week. She has a bacterial infection in her ears and a swab was sent out to a lab so that we can find out the correct medication to put her on. Hopefully we'll get her ear infection cleared up soon.

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