Monday, September 21, 2009

Two More Cats Added to the Mix

Where does the time go? The kittens sure keep me busy. Madison has been sick with an upper respiratory infection. She's on her second round of medication and is doing much better. The other cats are doing great. Merlin is really growing. His coat has changed from a light silver to a dark gray and he's a very handsome little guy. Autumn is still a tiny little girl. The vet has assured me that while she is tiny, she's in good health. He said that she was probably the runt of the litter. Timothy's eye infection continues to get better and I don't think it will be too long before it's all cleared up.

I have two new cats staying with me for a while. They were in another foster home that had a dog that barked all the time and they were totally stressed out. When I brought them home they immediately went under my bed and stayed there for the day. Sherry came out in the evening and was very friendly. Bubbles stayed under the bed until I went to bed and turned out the light. She jumped up on the bed and checked me out, decided I was okay, and cuddled up next to me for the night. She's been very friendly ever since. I'm going to keep them in the bedroom for a couple more days before introducing them to the rest of the clan. I'll take some pictures in a couple of days.

I think some of the kittens might be going to PetSmart this weekend for adoption. I'm just waiting to hear from Barb. Winston's due to be fixed and hopefully that will take place this week. He's almost six months old and getting quite big.

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