Saturday, August 1, 2009

My Latest Bunch

When Barb dropped Winston off she also brought back Timothy and three new kittens. Timothy wasn't quite ready to be adopted and the three little ones needed to be socialized.

It took a couple of days for Timothy to settle in but now he has decided that he likes Sophie's crate and has moved in!

The other three kittens are eight weeks old and are slowly settling in. Every day I see an improvement. They all come around on their own time. Autumn has settled right in, follows me around and likes to be picked up. Madison is just a little skittish but for the most part likes to be picked up and cuddled. Merlin was very timid and skittish when he arrived. He still doesn't let me pick him up if he's running around but he no longer spends his time under the couch. He runs around and plays with the other kittens and there are marked improvements daily.

I have been giving Merlin medication as he was congested when he arrived and we didn't want it turning into an upper respiratory infection. I have to feed him in the tent so I am able to give him his medication afterwards. I would never be able to catch him otherwise. He is very good about taking it and afterwards I hold him for a while and he always purrs, which is a big surprise as he is so timid. None of the other kittens have purred yet and I thought for sure that he would be the last one to do that. I don't feel that it will be long before Merlin loses all of his fear and allows me to pick him up at will.




Merlin is a "Snowshoe Siamese" and has very unusual markings. Snowshoes result when a siamese mates with a domestic short hair. The markings on his face are almost like a raccoon.

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