Sunday, June 28, 2009

Bittersweet Week

Last Sunday Barb brought me a little five week old kitten. Barb and a group of volunteers have been feeding a group of cats in a trailer park in Orillia. There had been an elderly lady living in the park that was taking cats but she did not spay, neuter or vaccinate them. When she died her son let them all go rather than take them to the OSPCA. That was a couple of years ago. Since then the volunteers have been trying to catch the cats to have them fixed but they are having babies at a fast rate and they can't keep the situation under control.

There is a small window of opportunity for the kittens to be caught. They have to be old enough and be eating on their own to be taken away from their mother, but left too long, they become wild and you cannot socialize them.

When I got Gracie she was very skinny and her eyes were really runny. Her eyes cleared up after a couple of days of applying medicated cream and she ate well and drank plenty of water. Unfortunately her immune system was compromised because her mother had not been vaccinated and she developed diarrhea on Thursday. I changed her food and watched her closely and she seemed to be fine but she died Saturday morning.

I knew going into this that there was always a possiblity that I could lose a kitten but I did not think that it would happen so soon. It was an awful experience and I would not wish it on anyone.

But having said that, Barb is going to go and try to catch some more kittens this morning. If she is able to catch them she will bring them to me and I will try again. Hopefully they will be stronger and we will have a possitive outcome.

Simon and Gracie

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is terrible about Gracie, I would have been a wreck!!! At least her last few days were in a good home...ok, no more, I am already getting teary.