Thursday, June 3, 2010

It's not getting any better!

I still have sick cats in the house. Autumn and Penley went to the vets on Tuesday to be fixed but it turned out Autumn is congested so I went to pick her back up last night. The vet gave her a Convenia shot so hopefully she'll get better real soon and then we can put her into PetSmart for adoption. Penley's going into PetSmart this weekend so hopefully he'll find a new home.

Webster is still fully congested and his eyes are running like taps. The vet wants him to come in next week for blood tests so that we can try and find out what's wrong with him. Barb still has his mother so she's going to take her in too for blood tests to see if the problem is hereditary, although she's never been sick.

Maddison's eyes have just about cleared up but she's lost a bit of weight. Hopefully she'll be back on track soon too.

It looks like I'm going to miss out on kitten season this Spring. With sick cats in the house I can't bring any more in, especially tiny kittens.

Barb told me last night that they have twenty-six kittens and five more to catch for a total of thirty-one kittens. I'm itching to get my hands on some but it's more important to get my guys better. Oh well, there'll be other kittens down the line to take care of.

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