Saturday, January 23, 2010

There's Nothing Better........

.....than finding a warm patch of sun.......

.........on a cold winter afternoon

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Why am I fostering?

When I first thought of fostering kittens I thought "How great to have kittens in the house all of the time. How better can it get?" I have had cats in my life for the last thirty-five years and any kitten I've ever gotten has maybe been a bit shy, but friendly, and within a day or two they would be seeking me out for a pet or a cuddle.

When I started fostering this past June I thought the same would hold true. What I didn't realize was that the kittens that I would get to foster, for the most part, had a bad start in life. Most were born in a colony of cats at a trailer park in a nearby city and have been very skittish and very wary of humans.

Two of the kittens have been a real challenge. Merlin, my first "hard nut to crack" took around four weeks before he would trust me to pick him up. But then he would turn into a purring machine and enjoy one-on-one time with me. He wouldn't let me pick him up if he was running around the house but after each meal he would turn into my buddy and we'd spend some time cuddling. He has been adopted and the two ladies love him to bits.

My second "hard nut" is Cooper. I feed him, Violet and Poppy together in the tent so that the other cats won't eat their food, but it also allows me to pick Cooper up after he's eaten as the tent is zipped up tight.

It has taken two full months to get to the point where I can pick him up and he doesn't fight me. This past week I was able to pick him up and he would be limp and I could take him into the living room and pet him for around fifteen minutes before he wanted down. Once he is on the floor, he's next to impossible to catch. That might not seem like much but it was our first breakthrough.

This afternoon I was sitting on the couch and I reached out my hand to Winston who was across the room and called him to come and see me. He came right over and Cooper came with him. Cooper came over and sniffed my fingers and then looked up at me for the first time without fear or wariness in his eyes. My heart melted and I saw the cat he would become....a cat who is trusting of humans.

It was a little thing and I know I have miles to go to fully socialize him but I realized that these baby steps are why I am fostering.

Cooper and Violet

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Nothing much has gone on this week. I'm hoping to get Timothy to the vets this coming week as he is under the weather and it's time for the three little kittens to have their next shots.

Violet and Poppy are ready to go to their forever homes and should be going to PetSmart this weekend to be adopted. Cooper is still not warming up to me and it's a worry. Barb is trying to find someone who will be able to work one-on-one with him, with no other cats in the house. He relies on the other cats in my home and is resistant to any contact from me.

I've added some new pictures of Sophie and the kitties.

Making ourselves comfortable in Sophie's crate.

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Timothy sleeping the afternoon away.

Winston and Cooper hanging out together.

I went out and bought the cats a new bed this morning and every time I look over at it, there's a different combination of cats in

I think we need a bigger bed !!!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Reflecting Back on 2009

I have now been fostering kittens and cats for six months. Is it what I thought it would be? Sort I love having kittens in the house all of the time. What I didn't realize was how often they get sick. Whether it's runny eyes and noses, upper resp, ear infections or the runs, it's a worry. Because a lot of the kittens have a rough start in life I guess it's inevitable that they get sick more often. I have quite the little medicine cabinet for the cats and am learning something new all the time.

I fostered 12 kittens and 2 cats during 2009. I wonder how many I'll welcome into my home during 2010?

2009 was a sad year for me. I lost Simon and Willow way too soon. But, as they say, when a door closes, a window opens and I have taken in two fosters, Winston and Maddison, for my own. Winston is very mischievous and gets into trouble a lot of the time, like knocking over full glasses of water as soon as my back is turned, and he insists on teaching the kittens his bad Maddison is still on the mend but is very happy to be back home.

I don't know what 2010 will bring but I wish only good things for the kitten and cat rescues, the shelter, and all of us.