Monday, November 30, 2009

Meet Cooper

Cooper came to live with us two weeks ago........a six week old full of attitude. It took three or four days before he stopped hissing at Sophie and the other cats but now he likes curling up beside Timothy (as he is in this picture). He still doesn't think much of me and if looks could kill, I'd be laid out on the His ears go back when I pick him up and he tolerates me (sort of) if I want to cuddle. He's a tough little guy but I'm sure he'll eventually come around.

Update on Maddison.......

Maddison is a happy little girl and is putting on some of the weight that she lost. Her head is still tilted to one side and I took her back to the vets last week. She has a bacterial infection in her ears and a swab was sent out to a lab so that we can find out the correct medication to put her on. Hopefully we'll get her ear infection cleared up soon.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Merlin's Been Adopted!!!!!

Merlin has been adopted by two ladies, a mother and her 45 year old disabled daughter. Their fourteen year old cat had died recently and they wanted to give another cat a home. Barb from the shelter took Timothy and Merlin over to meet them. Timothy wouldn't come out of the carrier but Merlin, my timid little guy, came right out, took a look around and jumped up on a chair and made himself at home. The daughter fell in love with him and they took him on a week's trial. They called Barb a few days later and said they were keeping him. He must have realized that this was his chance for a wonderful forever home and went for it.

I am so happy for Merlin. I hope that all our cats find wonderful forever homes.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What is Wrong With People?????

Maddison has been returned from her new family. It turns out the couple who adopted her have two children who terrorized her for two weeks before returning her to the shelter. Evidently she was cringing in the back of the carrier when she was returned and didn't want anyone to touch her. Why did it take them two weeks to realize that their kids weren't ready to own a pet?Another foster mom took her home where she developed a severe inner ear infection. She was traumatized from the whole ordeal.

When Barb told me this had happened she hadn't been to the vets yet. I was told that Maddison was walking in circles with her head tilted at an odd angle. My first thought was that the kids had done something to her and she had brain damage. I didn't sleep much that night and the next day she had a vet visit and it turns out the inner ear infection is causing the tilted head and trouble walking. I told Barb that I wanted to be the one to nurse her back to health.

I met Lynne in Orillia yesterday and gave her Bubbles and she gave me Maddison. Maddison was very quiet on the way home but as soon as I got in the door of the house she started meowing and wanted out of the carrier ASAP. I picked her up and she started purring and rubbing up against me and was very excited. She remembered me and the home that she had had for three months before the adoption. She went out in the kitchen and had a little something to eat and then she went and checked out all the cats. It was like she had never left.

She has lost an awful lot of weight and when she walks or runs she loses her balance. Her head is still tilted at an angle but that should go away once the medication takes effect. Winston hisses at her every time she goes near him but I think that's because she was given a bath before she came home and you can smell the shampoo on her. It doesn't stop her from rubbing her head against him though. I'm sure he'll come around.

Maddison did not lose her loving nature while going through that ordeal and hopefully she'll be back to her old self soon.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Numbers Decrease

This week Timothy, Merlin and Sherry have left to be adopted. Merlin has to be fixed first but Timothy and Sherry are going into PetSmart this weekend. There is an adopt-a-thon taking place at PetSmart this weekend and we are putting older kittens and cats up for adoption. I always have a little cry when the cats leave. My goodness, I had Timothy and Merlin for four months and they became part of the family. I know there's a lot of good people out there and hopefully they're looking for furry additions to their families.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What's Gotten Into Bubbles

Bubbles, the year and a half old calico I took in was getting along nicely with Sophie and the cats until a couple of weeks ago. All of a sudden while rubbing up against Sophie she'd get mad because Sophie wouldn't stay put and then she'd turn on Sophie and give her a swat on her nose. Then last weekend Bubbles bit Sophie on her face and the attacks escalated. I kept a close eye on Sophie and while she stayed clear of Bubbles, Bubbles would seek her out and attack. Barb is arranging for one of the other foster moms to take Bubbles as I want her out of the house as soon as possible.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

New Additions

Barb brought me Violet and Poppy to foster for a while. They're five weeks old and as cute as can be. They're hissing at anything that moves at the moment but I'm sure they'll settle down in the next day or so.

Violet and Poppy